Find a new zest for life with Ola!

The Writers Workshop is thrilled to welcome another new associate, Ola Fagbohun, founder of Zest OF: You, which aims to help people find a new zest during and post menopause. Here, Ola introduces us to her mission and exciting new writing group, which is now open to expressions of interest from Sheffield-based writers.

Ola says:

As an introverted child, I turned to writing to express my thoughts and emotions. Over the years I have had the opportunity to help others do the same.

Facilitating creative expression is something I have brought into my new role as founder of Zest OF: You, a young social enterprise committed to helping menopausal individuals. I guide people of all backgrounds and life journeys to grow older on their own terms and find a post-menopausal zest for life. I do this by using creative expression and play. I also challenge and support other individuals to become authentic allies for anyone going through menopause.

As part of this mission, I'm excited to introduce a new writing group.

The "Zest of You" writing group will meet to explore what it means to grow older and experience menopausal transition through the use of guided prompts, engaging conversations, and mutual support.

We’ll celebrate the words that help us heal, empower, and grow. We’ll explore and unearth the unique stories that define us. We’ll challenge self-limiting beliefs and defy societal stereotypes.

I'm inviting individuals to join me in this new writing group (capacity of 10). Let’s connect, express our experiences through words, and reshape perceptions of menopause and growing older. Together, let’s uplift, celebrate, and inspire!

Express your interest today by contacting me:

📞 Email or call on 07307 471144.

🌐 For additional information, visit


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