More Discipline, More Inspiration, More Words

Writer Carly-Ann Clarke joined 80 other writers at our Write More in ‘24 Writers Day in February. We asked her to share her experience of the day and reflect on how it has helped kick-start her year of writing. Thanks, Carly!

As I walked to Theatre Deli, a rainbow in the sky signalled that it was going to be a good day, and it was. There was an energised buzz as we entered the space, and my notebook and pen eagerly awaited time to play—my curiosity and imagination, too. A whole day of writers and writing: marvellous. 

Carly-Ann Clarke (centre of image) works up a creative sweat in the Writing Workout

I kicked off my day with the fabulous Lorna and Rosie and a Writing Workout on the theme of ‘more’. I have previously got so much out of the sessions they run and find them to be a bold duo who make you feel at ease as they lead you into exercises that enable you to play with words and ideas. I wanted to use the day to explore the novel I’m writing, and this session helped me rethink my central character, someone who has been a bit of a mystery. In this session, I was given a one-word prompt card and was asked to consider how a character might try to get more of what was on the card. My word was ‘peace.’ This curve ball was what I needed to explore a different side of my protagonist. The last exercise encouraged us to ‘write more in 24 minutes’; it’s amazing how being set a task and time limit makes it much easier to just keep writing. I found I couldn’t stop writing and was surprised by the scene I’d written on the page.

Zoe King from Hachette was a warm and supportive voice in publishing. It was helpful to hear one-minute pitches because I often struggle with being succinct in describing my stories. You have an idea, you write it: great … then what? It was comforting to hear of a publishing house in Sheffield interested in writers who live in the north and championing our voices.

As someone who loves to write, often without planning or thinking about structure when I begin, the Start Your Novel Masterclass with Susan and Russ was very helpful. Thinking about key elements of my story has given me a renewed energy for writing and has thrown up some important questions. As a result, I have more discipline and have dedicated more time to write. 

At the start of the day, Lorna and Rosie asked us to introduce ourselves with a word of what we need more of as a writer. I said, “Carly, discipline.” With time to reflect, I realise that this word-filled day has given me the push that was most definitely needed and revived my determination to keep writing and exploring this world in my head so that it is shaped on paper.


Writing in the ZoomRoom


I’m not a writer, but …