Summer of Submission is back!

At The Writers Workshop, we’re slowing down on the workshops and events for the school holidays, but that doesn’t mean we’re forgetting about writing. With fewer demands on our time and less structure during the summertime, it’s a great opportunity to change our routines and try out writing in new ways or new locations. What don’t you usually find time for? Can you make time this summer? 

One thing we’re making time for is submitting our writing and, throughout the summer, we’ll be sharing as many submission opportunities as we can find, whether they be for journals or competitions, agencies or publishers. We’ll be sharing them for our members on our Slack channel and for the wider public on social media, so keep an eye out. Ever heard about the resilience technique of collecting 100 rejection letters? Maybe this could be the summer of rejection … but, hopefully, it will be the summer of success!

For members, we’ll be creating a channel on Slack where they can share when they have submitted something, and there’ll be a prize in September for the person who has submitted the most pieces. Often, the difference between successful writers and those who are still unknown is more about maths than words; the odds of success are massively increased if you increase your submission rate. If you don’t submit your writing, it can’t be accepted!

As part of our Summer of Submission, we’re also be sharing writing prompts, hints and tips from our associates so keep your eyes peeled for updates.

Summer of Submission begins on Monday 24th July. To get full benefit of the communal experience, sign up for membership of The Writers Workshop here. 


Rejection and Rejoicing: Letty Butler on Submission Success


‘Surprised, excited and a bit weepy’