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*New* Creative Critique: Interactive Feedback Process

Facilitator: Rosie Carnall

Creative Critique offers a different approach to feedback for writers. Based on philosophical enquiry methods, the process provides the opportunity to explore what meaning a reader finds in your writing. It's an interactive, interesting and affirming experience.

The structured process goes beyond opinions about word choice or sentence structure. It invites reflection on how the work lands with the reader, encouraging their broader responses on what they experience in your writing. This enables you to get a clearer idea about whether your writing intentions are matched by the reader experience.

In this workshop, we’ll warm-up together by listening to a passage of text and practising the method. Then you’ll spend time with other writers listening and responding to each other’s work using a structure that supports you to delve into the underlying themes in your work.

Bring a short prose passage (around 300 words i.e., first page) of your own writing to share. Take away some new insights on your writing and ideas to apply to self-critique in the future.

This kind of philosophising invites use of your creative, critical, collaborative and caring thinking to explore ideas together. Come ready to listen as well as speak.


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